In response to increasing concerns regarding pilot fatigue regulations, Air Georgian, which operates select regional flights on behalf of Air Canada, has been working with Canadian company Fatigue Science to build a customized solution for pilot fatigue. For the past 12 months Air Georgian has been field-testing wearable technology from Fatigue Science. It allows pilots to develop an understanding of their true fatigue levels during both rest and work hours. Pending regulatory approval, Air Georgian aims to utilize these fatigue recording, reporting, and management tools as an integral part of their operations.

Fatigue Science technology is based on biomathematical models, wearable technology, pilot feedback, and flexible schedule modeling. The technology involves a device, no larger than a smartwatch, that captures sleep data. It then processes the information through a biomathematical model built on proprietary research from the US Army. The output provides pilots a visual picture of their fatigue via a mobile application available on iPhone and Android devices.

Within a few days, pilots can view their fatigue projections and after several months they gain a working knowledge of their fatigue patterns and trends. The app guides pilots with tools and educational graphics, helping them improve their sleep and reduce fatigue levels. Throughout this process personal data is fully protected. Air Georgian management receives anonymized, aggregated insights into the extent of fatigue within their operation.

“The technology behind Fatigue Science is Air Georgian’s key to giving every team member the resources they need to manage fatigue,” says Troy Stephens, vice president of flight operations, in a release. “Pilots have long had the ability, fully supported by management, to refuse a flight based on fatigue. This technology has made us aware of fatiguing conditions much earlier in the process in a clear, identifiable way.”