A recent review of patient-centered care for brain and spinal cord diseases finds that neurological disorders can cause sleep and respiratory disorders, as reported by HCP Live.

Neurological disorders can cause both respiratory and sleep disorders. For example, ischemic stroke is associated with sleep disordered breathing (SDB) and obstructive apnea. There may be a “bidirectional relationship between stroke and SDB which can be a modifiable risk factor.” Additionally, recent studies seem to show that most acute stroke patients benefit from continuous positive airway pressure treatment (CPAP) because they have sleep apnea.Patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) often have disordered sleeping. As many as 70% have nocturnal hypoxia. Researchers do not know the connection between TBI and disordered sleep, but have observed that TBI “increases the susceptibility of the brain to hypoxia including prolonged apnea.”

View the full story at www.hcplive.com