USA Today offers a guide on getting kids out of their parents’ bedrooms:

While you may feel like you’re the only parent struggling when it comes to bedtime, you aren’t alone, according to Angela Mattke, M.D. in Community Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.

“This is a common thing that happens with kids, and there are things [parents] can do to help them, but the approach they decide to use has to be what’s going to fit with their family and something they can live with and be consistent with,” she said.

Mattke said the reasons kids end up in bed with mom and dad differ. Children may wake up during the night and want to see what mom and dad are up to, or they might be anxious because their parents were in the room when they fell asleep and now they aren’t. Regardless of the reason, it’s important to implement a strategy that breaks the child’s association of sleep with parents.

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